Index of /users/molebio/ArchiveDARPA/OmpF and G119D IVC in KCl and CaCl2 (Feb 14, 2002)
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G119D Porin Trimer Current Voltage Curves in 1M KCl and 1M CaCl2 Solutions.jpg
G119D Porin Trimer Current Voltage Curves in 50mM KCl and 50mM CaCl2 Solutions.jpg
OmpF Porin Trimer Current Voltage Curves in 1M KCl and 1M CaCl2 Solutions.jpg
OmpF Porin Trimer Current Voltage Curves in 50mM KCl and 50mM CaCl2 Solutions.jpg
OmpF and G119D Porin Trimer Current Voltage Curves in CaCl2 Solutions.jpg
OmpF and G119D Porin Trimer Current Voltage Curves in KCl Solutions.jpg