Dear Bob,
I like your thermodynamic analysis of "bubble" formation and gating in ion channels. It is reminiscent of a similar analysis of hydrophobic attraction between proteins, which can be attributed to "drying" of confined water (see the nice review by David Chandler in Nature 437, 640 (2005)). Recently we extended this analysis to the case of charged globular proteins (J. Dzubiella and JPH, J.Chem.Phys. 121, 5514 (2004)). As regards intermittency, a more complete version of our work with Rosalind and Simone Melchionna (your ref. 136) appeared in J.Chem.Phys. 119, 3905 (2003) (this contains estimates of free energy barriers to ion permeation), while the influence of electric fields on ion permeation of hydrophobic nanopores was investigated by J. Dzubiella and JPH, J.Chem.Phys. 122, 234706 (2005). With best wishes,
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