Department of Molecular Biophysics & Physiology

Rush University Medical Center

Bob Eisenberg
Bob Eisenberg is interested in studying ion channels as physical objects, trying to use the tools of physics, chemistry, engineering, and applied mathematics to understand how they work. Ion channels are proteins with a hole down their middle that are the gatekeepers for cells. Ion channels control an enormous range of biological function in health and disease. But ion channels have simple enough structure that they can be analyzed with the usual tools of physical science. With that analysis in hand, Bob and John Tang, with gifted collaborators, are trying to design practical machines that use ion channels.

What is Physiology all about?

Full Length CV.

PNP online is a web-based software for running Poisson Nernst Planck theory.

A complete list of publications:  Many are available on-line by clicking the link named PDF.

Additional resources are:

The early versions of PNP are found in

Later versions are in and contains files for studying single channels in noise, written by Rick Levis.

Departmental contact information
The core of the department is located on the 12th floor of the Jelke Southcenter (JS) Building, 1750 W. Harrison St., Chicago, IL 60612, U.S.A.
Telephone: 312-942-6454. Fax: 312-942-8711. 

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